
A UK education furniture
manufacturer supplying schools
and universities nationally
with furniture,
accessories and
bespoke installations.


To reduce staff costs by automating existing sales generation processes.


Having already conceived an online virtual classroom we planned to use the data collected to automate and schedule targeted offers by email based on product lifespan, previous and related orders and annual budget release date.

Solution provides:

An automated sales
generation tool which frees
staff work in other areas 
or reduces staff levels
to save costs.


Diamik manufacture and supply education furniture and
bespoke installations to schools, colleges and universities. They were always looking at any ideas for selling more product and were manually searching sales logs to set up offers for those buying a particular product.

By creating a virtual classroom we'd already given them, it was not just a customer aid but by tracking individual sales it enabled cross selling of related products across product ranges, the measuring of product lifespan (some commodities like paint, brushes and pens have a short life) and the timing of access to annual budgets to generate scheduled, targeted offers by email.

Creative strategic online
solutions to business issues.

Concepts, strategies and methodologies ©
The Interactive Business Enterprise Ltd.

The Interactive Business Enterprise Ltd
Grosmont House
20 Crag Hill Road
BD10 0AA

T: 07730 411713
